
Can You See Low Glow Trail Cameras

Camera Traps & LEDs – No Glow or Low Glow?

No-glow & Low-glow: What's The Difference?

You've probably noticed when looking for a trail camera that they volition all mention their LEDs. All camera traps use infrared (IR) LEDs and so when they go off, the 'wink' they give off is invisible to humans and wild animals.

Trail cameras will use one of two LED types; low-glow or no-glow, and it tin can exist a piddling tricky to empathise the differences and know which one is all-time for you lot.

Here we'll talk you through the differences betwixt low-glow and no-glow LEDs, the strengths and weaknesses of each and give a few recommendations on which you should go for depending on your needs.

Low-glow LEDs

These can also exist called 'Standard', 'Clear', or '850nm' (later the spectrum of light they apply) and are the well-nigh common type of LEDs in trail cameras. Although the light they emit is invisible, when the camera trap triggers at night, you would see a faint red glow from the LEDs that would look a piddling like a standby light on a television. The images below are both from the same low-glow camera, showing you what the LEDs look like pre and during trigger.

NatureSpy Bushnell Camera Trap Low Glow Triggered Example
Paradigm one: Low-glow pre-trigger                                                    Epitome 2: Depression-glow when triggered

The trade-off of having this slight glow however is that you get much better results . Mentioning which spectrum of lite they use is important because this is what gives low-glow LEDs their reward. The 850nm spectrum of IR light has longer wavelengths which means light travels further – giving you a better IR wink range so you tin can spot wild animals easier and at bigger distances. Information technology gives yous around xxx% actress IR light compared to a no-glow camera which is a pretty big proceeds!

It also means that low-glow trail cams typically have faster shutter speeds in photo style then moving animals are captured with minimal blur and the definition on dark videos is also much improve.

What About Wild fauna – Won't They Notice That Glow?

We go asked this a lot and the short reply is generally no.

It's a fair supposition that even professional researchers and biologists brand, that going for a no-glow camera would be a no brainer and so wildlife isn't disturbed or certain more curious species aren't attracted to the camera, only in reality information technology won't brand that much deviation to the animals.

There is strong evidence that the bulk of mammal species see low-glow and no-glow LEDs in the aforementioned way – in other words, they run across a scarlet glow regardless of the LED blazon used.

There's a bit of an asterisk here for bird species as they have similar sensitivity to IR light as humans then they can see the low-glow merely not the no-glow.

Finer, if yous're using your photographic camera solely for wildlife monitoring yous may as well use a low-glow camera and get the meliorate quality. Nonetheless, if yous have whatever security concerns or are trying to capture people, you lot may want to consider a no-glow LED camera. An extra bonus is that low-glow LED trail cameras are also often cheaper than the no-glow equivalent!

No-glow LEDs

Also known equally 'Covert', 'Black Flash' or '940NM', these do not give off the faint red glow when they trigger at night significant they are almost completely invisible to humans.

This advantage even so comes with a major setback – the loss of around 30% of the IR low-cal that the same number of low-glow LEDs would give off . This is due to the 940NM which is a shorter wavelength, so the light doesn't travel as far.

To endeavour and commencement this substantial loss of IR low-cal, no-glow LEDs are adult to try and compensate for the difference such every bit using more LEDs (an example of this are the Bushnell Core models), but despite this, the loss of IR calorie-free imposes a lot of limitations on a no-glow camera:

  1. All no-glow cameras have slower shutter speeds on night photos resulting in a 'blurrier' image when an animal walks past because the camera needs more fourth dimension to low-cal the image
  2. No-glow cameras also increase the exposure or proceeds which results in less detail in an image, so you also lose definition on the videos
  3. As the exposure is kept slightly higher; information technology means night images look greyer and grainier compared to a depression-glow photographic camera. An example of this can exist seen below between the ii stag captures. The left photo was captured on a depression-glow camera and is much sharper and in focus, whereas on the right this no-glow epitome has less contrast and particular.
NatureSpy Camera Trap LED Image Quality Difference
                               Prototype 3: Low-glow capture                                          Image four: No-glow capture (less detail & dissimilarity)

Which One is Best for You?

Like with all cameras no one size fits all and information technology volition come down to what y'all're looking to attain with your camera.

Use low-glow if: Information technology is solely for use in your back garden or on your own land and/or you don't have concerns virtually alerting humans to the photographic camera's presence. You'll get good results from the extended flash range and subsequent quality that low-glow LED cameras give.

 Apply no-glow if: You're planning on using your camera in a public place (with the advisable permissions) or are trying to get images of a particularly sensitive animal – but ensure y'all site the camera so the beast comes within the wink range. To help with this you tin find more on placement and settings here.

Just a reminder that recent enquiry shows that many animals can actually encounter the infrared spectrum of the low-glow and no-glow LEDs – and so don't be surprised if your fox has a glance at your camera even if yous chose no-glow !

No-glows are also recommended for security applications unless mounting the camera quite high and above heart-level. It tin can however be a trade-off of wanting LEDs with a strong range or wanting to be completely covert.

The Takeaways

  1. If y'all're looking to capture wildlife, y'all'll desire a low-glow camera.
  2. If yous want to use your photographic camera for wild fauna and security or just security go for a no-glow camera.

Helping Yous Choose

To help y'all best understand the features of each photographic camera trap when browsing our shop, our quick-expect characteristic icons volition help.

Look out for these icons on our production pages so you can see at a glance which camera is best for you.

NatureSpy Shop Camera Trap Chooser Help - LED icons

You can detect more information almost how camera traps work hither.

Happy Camera Trapping!

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